A simple and sensitive differential pulse polarographic determination of dinitramine in water and agricultural samples
N.Y.Sreedhar, S.Rajasekar Reddy, P.Reddy Prasad, C.Nageswara Reddy
A selective and sensitive differential pulse polarographic method for the determination of dinitramine was studied using droppingmercury electrode (DME) in universal buffer of pHrange 2.0 to 12.0. The peak observed for the dinitramine are attributed to the reduction of nitro groups and showed to be pH 5.0.Asystematic study of various experimental conditions, such as pH, scan rate and pulse amplitude were studied. The relationship between peak current and dinitramine concentration was linear within the concentration range of 1.0ï‚´10–5 to 1.0ï‚´10–9 mol l-1. The standard deviation and relative standard deviation were found to be ± 0.05 and 1.22% respectively. The method is simple, sensitive and free from interferences of other pesticides and diverse ions. The method has been satisfactorily applied to the determination of dinitramine in water and agricultural samples.