Development and validation of RP-HPLC and UV methods of analysis for metribuzin in its formulation
C.Swarna, K.Babu Naidu, N.V.S.Naidu
A RP-HPLC and an UV Spectrophotometric assaymethod were developed and validated for quantitative determination of metribuzin in formulation Tata metri. The chromatography was carried out on a waters symmetry C8 (150mmx 4.6m, 5 ïÂÂm) columnwith potassiumdihydrogen orthophosphate and acetonitrile (60:40 v/v) asmobile phase at 297 nmdetector wave length. The UV method was performed at 297 nm using methanol as solvent. The linearitywas established in the range of 2 to 12 ïÂÂg/ml and 5 to 50 ïÂÂg/ml for HPLC and UV method respectively. The HPLC method was accurate and precise for the formulation 99.38 to 100.79%. TheUVmethod also correlated well withHPLCfor the analysis ofmetribuzin in its formulation.