
Elemental analysis of mycorrhizal and actinorhizal inoculated Casuarina equisetifolia under glasshouse condition

Elumalai Sanniyasi, M.Prabhakaran, N.Raaman

Casuarina equisetifolia is a diverse range of environments fromtropical to arid woodlands and coastal sand dunes, salinity affected soils. C. equisetifolia is the only tree which is having tripartite symbionts in their roots systemlike endo, ectomycorrhizal and N2 – fixing Frankia. Therefore the C. equisetifolia root system needs more amount of macro and micro elements for theirmetabolism. The present study aims to analyse the important 18 elements (N, P,K,Mg,Na, B,Al, Si, Cd,Ca, Fe, Co,Mo,Mn,Ni, Zn, Cr and Cu) which is essential for the C. equisetifolia phosphate solubilization and N2 – Fixation. The results we have recorded that the cladodes (180 d) of triple (V+ E + F) inoculated plants showed the higher amount ofN, P, K,Mg andNa.Higher levels ofN,K,Mg andNawere recorded in roots (180 d) of triple inoculated plants. Maximum P content was recorded in V + E inoculated plants. The stimulation ofN2 – fixation in the mycorrhizal plants can be attributed to increase in phosphate uptake by these roots, a situation analogous to that in nodulated legumes colonized bymycorrhizal fungi. Higher levels Ca, Fe, Co,Mn, Cu, Zn were recorded in cladodes (180 d) of triple (V + E + F) inoculated plants. Higher amount of Ni was recorded in cladodes of Psilothus tinctorius inoculated plants. Concentrations of Fe were higher in both foliage and twigs of Casuarina equisetifolia. These results prove that the triple inoculated (V + E + F) plants showed the enhanced elements in their cladodes and root system. Consequently this will boost the products of photosynthesis, and bio-mass of Casuarina equisetifolia.

अस्वीकृति: इस सारांश का अनुवाद कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता उपकरणों का उपयोग करके किया गया है और इसे अभी तक समीक्षा या सत्यापित नहीं किया गया है।

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  • कैस
  • गूगल ज्ञानी
  • जे गेट खोलो
  • चीन राष्ट्रीय ज्ञान अवसंरचना (सीएनकेआई)
  • उद्धरण कारक
  • ब्रह्मांड IF
  • रिसर्च जर्नल इंडेक्सिंग की निर्देशिका (डीआरजेआई)
  • गुप्त खोज इंजन लैब्स
  • विद्वान लेख प्रभाव कारक (SAJI))

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