
Qualitative Analysis and Asymptotics of Solutions of the Gkp-Class Equations with Variable Dispersion

Belashov VYU and Belashova SE

In this paper we study the dynamical systems associated with the generalized Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (GKP) equation with variable dispersion and consider the structure of possible multidi-mensional solutions and their asymptotics. We also present some considerations on constructing of the phase portraits of the systems in the 8-dimensional phase space for the GKP equation on the basis of the results of qualitative analysis of the generalized equations of the KdV-class.

में अनुक्रमित

  • कैस
  • गूगल ज्ञानी
  • जे गेट खोलो
  • चीन राष्ट्रीय ज्ञान अवसंरचना (सीएनकेआई)
  • उद्धरण कारक
  • ब्रह्मांड IF
  • रिसर्च जर्नल इंडेक्सिंग की निर्देशिका (डीआरजेआई)
  • गुप्त खोज इंजन लैब्स
  • आईसीएमजेई

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