Research and improvement of keep-right-except-to-pass traffic rules
Zhang Bo, Hua Qiang, Zhao Yuanyuan
This paper studies the performance of keep-right traffic rule in most countries. It points out the inadequacies of the traffic rule, puts forward an improved one.And also it considers the impact if the transportation is fully controlled by intelligent system. Applying AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and fuzzy comprehensive evaluationmethod,weighing threemain factors as traffic operation, human factors and safety, and nine sub-factors like vehicle speed, traffic flow and accident rate, we establishes a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation system.According to the linearmodel of Green shield, we establish a linear relationship between vehicle speed and vehicle density. Through simulation, we compared the traffic conditions between the current traffic rule and improved one, and the conclusion is arrived that the improved traffic rule can promote the smoothness of traffic both in heavy and light traffic.