Simultaneous high performance thin-layer chromatography determination of gatifloxacin and ambroxol hydrochloride in pharmaceutical formulation
M.M.Baing, V.V.Vaidya, N.J.Rane, G.R.Singh, W.Shah
A simple, economic, fast and precise High performance thin layer chromatographic method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of Gatifloxacin and Ambroxol HCl from the tablet formulation. Ciprofloxacin is used as internal standard. Gatifloxacin is antibiotic drug and Ambroxol is a mucolytic expectorant, and this combination is used as antibiotic drug. The separation was performed on Silica gel 60F254 HPTLC plates with n-Butanol: GAA: Distilled water: methanol in the proportion (4:1:1:0.3) v/v, as a solvent system. The determination was carried out using the densitometric absorbance mode at 235 nm. The linearity range for Gatifloxacin andAmbroxol hydrochloride 480 µg mL-1 to 1120 µg mL-1 and 72 µg mL-1 to 168 µg mL-1 respectively. The HPTLCmethod was evaluated in terms of sensitivity linearity, accuracy, precision and reproducibility