
The empirical research of risk preference based on prospect theory: A case study of China large state owned enterprise managers

Zhang Yingyu, Bo Xiaodong, Shao Wei, Luan Hui

To test the applicability of prospect theory, 252 China large state-owned enterprises managers are surveyed. Results show that: Main assumptions and conclusions of prospect theory is generally applicable to China Large state-owned enterprise managers; There is little difference between our results and foreign countries in the parameter estimation of value function and weight function; There is different risk preference distribution among different types individual at different situation and different probability; 30% of individuals do not accord with the assumption that the individual data for probabilities of the risk attitude coefficients should be in the range between 0.05 and 0.95.

अस्वीकृति: इस सारांश का अनुवाद कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता उपकरणों का उपयोग करके किया गया है और इसे अभी तक समीक्षा या सत्यापित नहीं किया गया है।

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  • कैस
  • गूगल ज्ञानी
  • जे गेट खोलो
  • चीन राष्ट्रीय ज्ञान अवसंरचना (सीएनकेआई)
  • उद्धरण कारक
  • ब्रह्मांड IF
  • रिसर्च जर्नल इंडेक्सिंग की निर्देशिका (डीआरजेआई)
  • गुप्त खोज इंजन लैब्स
  • यूरो पब
  • आईसीएमजेई

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