
Towards a Mechanism Type Structure for Light, Part I: Crucial Verification of how Light Spreads at Large Distances; Experimental Design, Non-wave Results and Consequences for Light, Gravity, Generally for Physics

Corneliu I. Costescu, Ruxandra M. Costescu, Doina M. Costescu

We recognize that the spreading of light at large distances (the whole space) is the only property which can decide by yes or no if light really behaves physically like waves, while the fit of the waves for describing the diffraction fringes is insufficient for this purpose. Indeed, the fringe space is too limited and hence, brings the possibility of misinterpretation. Hence, the experiment for the direct verification if light is spreading like waves at large distances is necessary in principle, and is crucial. However, very surprisingly and tragically, this direct experiment was totally missing in history. This experiment uses the simplest diffraction case, in which a beam of light falls perpendicularly with its axis on the line and the plane of a straight edge. Practically, this experiment verifies if there is a dependence of the diffracted light at large distances in the geometrical shadow, on the changes in beam thickness traversal to a single straight edge, while the distribution of light along the straight edge remains the same. If this dependence exists, as the wave theory for light fundamentally predicts, then the wave approach to light is physically true. If there is no dependence then light cannot behave physically like waves. This experiment can clearly be developed and performed without any calculation from the wave approach, just by a careful measurement practice. However, for a broader view, we describe in detail wave results for spreading of light at large distance, which illustrate the experiment–what are the spatial points where the measurement must be done to see if the above dependence exists, and which is the big picture for the wave approach. We attempted this experiment for many years, but could not finish it because of the lack of resources to measure at 100 m–500 m. However, we show alternatively that the answer to how light spreads also comes from comparing the well-known wave results for the diffraction on macroscopic holes with relatively recent data for the diffraction on nanoscopic holes. This comparison clearly shows that light does not spread physically like waves, which makes necessary a new, non-wave but periodic structure for light. On this line, we show here the big-picture for developing this non-wave structure, that is a mechanism-type structure for light. With this new structure for light one can see that there is also a missing experiment at the foundation of gravity. Finally, the above alternative answer regarding the spreading of light also makes absolutely necessary to perform the above missing experiment, as a direct way that convinces anybody how light is spreading. The present article will empower big labs to perform this crucial experiment.

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