Use of abelmoschus esculenta gum in the formation of wound healing device containing extract from vernonia amygdalina
P.F. Uzor, C.O.Nnadi, C.H.Chukwukanne, A.A.Attama
The present study evaluated the wound healing activity of gel formulation of Albemoshus esculenta gumand Vernonia amygdalina Del. (Astereaceae) leaf extract. Cicatrin® antibiotic powder was used as standard wound healing formulation. Gels containing different proportions of A. esculenta gum: V. amygdalina leaf extract were prepared and all the formulations were evaluated using the excision wound model. Gel preparations were smeared on the wound of known diameter inflicted on the dorsumof albino rats. To determine the rate of wound healing, the diameter of each wound was measured daily for 15 days. The wound healing effects of the preparation were compared within the batches to find the proportion that healed faster and to that of Cicatrin®. In all the formulations, there was a progressive reduction in the wound diameter with time and there was a complete wound closure in all the gels formulated with the extracts by the 15th day. It was concluded that the gel formulations of V. amygdalina leaf extract with A. esculenta gum possessed wound healing effect which was comparable to effect produced by Cicatrin® alone.