मूल लेख Thermal and ion-exchange studies of 4-aminosalicylic acid-oxamide- formaldehyde-II copolymer resin Mangesh S.Dhore, Suraj S.Butoliya, Anil B.Zade अमूर्त
मूल लेख Removal of methylene blue dye from aqueous solution by sorption onto leaves, flowers and bark of Delonix regia GhulamShabir, MuhammadAfzal, FarooqAnwar, ZafarM.Khalid, QaiserM.Khan, MuhammadUmarKhan, Zahid Iqbal Sajid अमूर्त
मूल लेख Synthesis of new ordered microporous mesoporous carbon sorbent, an investigation on hydrogen adsorption capacity S.E.Moradi अमूर्त