मूल लेख Determination of ultra-trace cobalt ion by ET-AAS after preconcentration by pyridine-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles Y.Ghorbani, A.Rahimi अमूर्त
मूल लेख Structure and internal dynamics of 1,2-propanediammonium pentachloroantimonate (III) dichloride of formula [C3H10N2]2Cl2SbCl5 Mohsen Ouled Mohamed Sghaier, KrystynaHolderna-Natkaniec, PiotrCzarnecki, SlaheddineChaabouni अमूर्त
मूल लेख The study of compensation effect in reverse Boudouard reaction on graphite in presence of activating additives Pavel Anatolyevich Nikolaychuk, Aleksandr Vasilyevich Kolesnikov अमूर्त
मूल लेख Spectrometric determination of trazodone and sertralin in tablets by multivariate calibration approach NurayAytekin,A.Hakan Aktas अमूर्त